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Product Testing for Panelists
CPT Labs

How to Find the Right Product Tester Jobs in NJ

Being a product tester is a unique and rewarding experience. Whether you would like to help others who live with a similar condition to you or are interested in testing the latest products before they hit the shelves, product tester jobs in NJ can help you do just that. How

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Product Testing for Panelists
CPT Labs

Easy Steps to Make Money Testing Cosmetics in NJ

When you’re looking for a cosmetic product, chances are the claims made on the labels influence your choices. Is the mascara waterproof? Is the moisturizer for sensitive skin? The Federal Trade Commission requires that claims on cosmetic labels be truthful. To support these claims, and sometimes simply to assess the

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Best Practices
CPT Labs

Clinical Trial Monitoring by a Study Sponsor

Even when you entrust the details of your clinical trials to an established professional testing facility, you still remain responsible for your study as a study sponsor. All clinical trials must be monitored, and monitoring is the responsibility of the study sponsor.  Study monitoring by sponsors is required by the

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Product Testing for Panelists
CPT Labs

Free of Parabens Testing Overview

Parabens are a class of preservative agents that are commonly added to cosmetic, food and drug products to prevent microbial growth and extend product shelf life. While parabens are still regarded as safe when employed in small amounts, some studies have shown parabens to mimic the hormone estrogen, which spurs

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Product Testing for Panelists
Dr. Michael Caswell

An Overview of Hair Care Product Performance & Safety

Hair care product performance and safety ultimately determine product success and longevity. For best market results, precisely planned performance and safety evaluations are required.  Moreover, international regulatory agencies require a demonstration of product safety to ensure that new-to-market products will not pose health risks or harm to consumers. As such,

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Product Testing for Panelists
Dr. Michael Caswell

The Best Way to Get Paid to Review Products in NJ

You may have heard about the opportunities surrounding product testing and reviews, but did you know that you can actively participate and get paid to review products in NJ? Whether you’re interested in technology, medicine, beauty or you are looking for a unique compensation opportunity, seek professional product testing in

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Product Testing for Panelists
Dr. Michael Caswell

3 Benefits of Beauty Product Testing in NJ

Do you love trying the latest beauty products? If you do, imagine being compensated to express your personal feedback while testing these types of products. From face creams to eyeshadows, beauty product testing in NJ is an exciting and rewarding opportunity! Why Seek Beauty Product Testing Opportunities in NJ? Manufacturers

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