How to Get Paid to Review Products: An Informative Guide

Did you know that you can get paid to review products?

Manufacturers are consistently looking for volunteers to take part in a wide range of clinical trials. These volunteers, also known as panelists, provide their honest feedback regarding a product’s overall quality, safety and efficacy.

Credible testing labs understand the importance of this step, as user reviews are incredibly important when a product is still pre-market. If you’re interested, this guide is intended to educate you regarding the overall product reviewing process.

The Importance of Product Testing Panelists

Whether a company is launching a new cosmetic product, a new medical device, or a new pharmaceutical that product will need to be thoroughly tested before it is offered to the general public. Depending on the product itself, a wide range of tests will be administered prior to the first human clinical trial.

For example, a sunscreen may need to undergo rigorous testing that addresses the overall phototoxicity of the product’s ingredients, whereas analytical testing can address raw materials and the product’s overall stability.

Once the final formulation and pre-clinical testing are complete, in-use studies require volunteers just like yourself. As a panelist, you can get paid to review products and, in doing so, you will:

  • Provide valuable information regarding the product’s performance and safety
  • Help manufacturers make key labeling claims
  • Test the product’s safety, ensuring that the public is offered a quality product
  • Reveal consumer preferences in terms of the product and its packaging
  • Evaluate the product’s strengths and weaknesses

You would essentially speak on behalf of the public. If you were to purchase the product you’re testing, what would you think about its safety and efficacy?

Want to Participate in Product Testing?

If you are interested in the product testing process, you can get paid to review products before they reach the market. This means that not only will you be compensated, but you will also be given the opportunity to make a difference.

You will support the overall product development process while protecting the public. It’s a great way to pay forward, all while gaining access to the latest in technology, resources and knowledge.

If you have considered becoming a panelist, the following steps will help you better understand what will be expected of you, but these steps may vary slightly from study to study.

In some cases, specific demographics will be needed to test products that are intended for certain subgroups, such as diabetic patients to test medications or children to test pediatric products.

  • Step one — Check which current studies you qualify for. For certain studies, as long as you fall between a certain age group, for instance, you will be eligible. In other cases, specific demographics will be needed, as discussed above.
  • Step two — Apply to be a panelist even if there are no current studies in which you’re qualified. You will then be notified when you qualify for an upcoming clinical trial.
  • Step three — Visit CPTC, where you will be guided through the testing process. Expert staff will support you every step of the way, answering any questions you may have. At CPT, all of our experts abide by regulatory guidelines and take these requirements very seriously.
  • Step four — Whether you are testing a new eyeshadow, a facial scrub or an over-the-counter medication, your safety is always the highest priority. After you test the product, you will be asked some questions regarding your experience. This is your opportunity to provide real, honest feedback.
  • Step five — All user feedback is collated, analyzed, and considered and, in some cases, products are reformulated based on the suggestions made in the reviews submitted.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding participation in a study, we welcome you to contact us today.