Visit 1: Potential panelists will arrive at Testing Facility at their scheduled appointment time, without having applied any eye/facial makeup or moisturizer to their skin and complete and ICF. Potential panelists will have a brief eye examination by a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist as well as a visual evaluation of the upper chest, face, and eye areas for evidence of redness, dryness, and swelling by a Board-Certified Dermatologist. Any panelist presenting a score of 2 or greater for any parameter will be disqualified. Each qualified panelist will receive the test material, written use instructions and a daily diary.
Visit 2: After 4 weeks of test material use, panelists will return to the Testing Facility at their scheduled appointment time without having applied any eye/facial makeup or moisturizer to their skin. Final evaluations will be conducted by a Board-Certified Ophthalmologist and Board-Certified Dermatologist, as previously described. Panelists will complete a final questionnaire. Test material will be returned, and daily diaries will be collected and reviewed for completeness. Panelists will then be dismissed.