Where to Test Products in NJ and be Compensated

While living in the Garden State, you might want to explore product testing.  Once you qualify to take part in a product trial, not only will you be compensated, but you will also take part in something greater than yourself, not to mention exciting and rewarding.

Where to Participate in Product Testing in New Jersey

If you are looking to test products, Consumer Product Testing Company (CPT Labs) is one of the top facilities looking for participants.  You could be an integral part of the process to test products in safe, controlled clinical trials.

CPT Labs is located in Fairfield, New Jersey, and with over 40 years of experience, has built a respected, trusted reputation for ethical clinical testing.  They offer a vast array of testing opportunities where panelists can test many of the newest products in development, before they hit the marketplace.  If you’re interested, it’s easy to apply to current studies.

What to Expect and What to Look for in a Testing Facility

If you’re unsure about the testing process, know that credible testing facilities place a high priority on your safety.  They want you to have the best experience possible, all while respecting your personal rights.  Depending on what you will be testing, your experience will differ slightly in terms of the overall step-by-step process.

Each facility will also differ in terms of its expertise and capabilities. CPT Labs ensures that all panelists’ information remain confidential and that panelists are assisted by the type of clinical professionals required for that specific study, including medical doctors and trained clinicians.

Compensation is based upon the type and length of the study.  Those who complete their study often walk out with a whole new outlook.  It’s rewarding to be a part of something greater.  In order to have the best possible experience, you should be mindful of the following:

  • Apply to legitimate testing facilities that are accredited and follow Good Clinical Practices and HIPAA.  This ensures that everything runs smoothly and that you’re in the best hands.  Don’t be shy about asking questions.
  • Be honest when applying and participating.  Some studies require certain personal attributes, such as contact lens wearers, or conditions like rosacea.   If you are not honest, you could not only jeopardize the results, but you could also potentially risk the safety of those who use the end product based upon your feedback.  You are really part of the process!

The Benefits of Participating in Product Testing

Although you can test products and receive compensation, monetary gains are just the beginning.  When you become a panelist, it’s an exciting opportunity.  You will have the option to take part in select studies, helping companies grow while manufacturing the best possible products for the marketplace.  In addition, you can:

  • Participate in something greater than yourself:  From sunscreens to antiperspirants, the products that panelists test are intended for public use.  The opinions you voice could influence how a product is formulated and marketed.  In the case of sunscreens, for example, families will be relying on well-tested products in order to ensure efficacy and safety.  You have the opportunity to play a role in this process.
  • Gain a unique experience:  Although panelists often test products with compensation in mind, there are also many participants who simply see that as a bonus.  They apply to the testing facility because they are curious about the methods and equipment used.  Whether you are interested in science or not, this opportunity isn’t your average day out.  
  • Try new products before anyone else:  From the latest in makeup to the newest insulin pump, as long as you qualify to participate, you may be one of the first to test a new, innovative product.  You provide your feedback, which is a valuable and integral part of the process.  You could help a company directly improve their product based upon your expectations and the performance of the product itself.

If you’re looking for a unique opportunity, testing products is a rewarding experience.  You could essentially influence how a product is eventually made and marketed, making your personal opinion heard.