Category: Cosmetic

Cosmetic & Personal Care

Comedogenicity and Acnegenicity in Skincare

The rise of social media has empowered consumers in unprecedented ways. This is especially true when it comes to skincare and beauty products. Forums like CosDNA and Skincare Addiction feature thousands of daily posts by consumers who share tips or ask for advice. Postings on these forums often fiercely criticize

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Cosmetic & Personal Care

An Overview of the Period After Opening & Cosmetic Shelf Life

Determining a product’s “period after opening” leads to the generation of valuable information and a better understanding of the overall experience that will be derived by the consumer. The inclusion of physical, microbiological and chemical testing can ensure consumer satisfaction and support the longevity of your brand. Here, we answer

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Specialty Chemicals

Free of Phthalates Testing Overview

What are phthalates and what are they used for? Phthalates are a family of chemical compounds that are used in many industrial applications but primarily as an additive in nearly all types of plastic and vinyl to improve their durability, transparency and flexibility. Due to the myriad uses of plastics

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cosmetic laboratories

Why Cosmetic Laboratories Aren’t All the Same

When launching a new cosmetic product, safety should be your top priority. Whether you have developed products in the past or are new to the industry, cosmetic laboratories can help you every step of the way. If you’re in need of safety testing or efficacy claims testing, choosing the right

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